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Posts tagged ‘transformation’

MLM Tools for Building Wealth

What goal will you break through?Multi-level marketing companies (MLM) have been around for several decades. With corporate downsizing and tightening budgets, many people are looking for a way to create an independent or supplemental income source. Unless you have ideas about creating your own business, MLM is a great avenue to generate either primary or supplemental income.

The key to creating a successful business requires:
~ Motivation (ongoing internal fire)
~ Passion (loving what you do)
~ Inspiration (learning from others)
~ Training (understanding your customer’s needs and how to fill them)
~ Perspiration (putting forth your effort)

Like any business it takes the right resources, tools, and knowledge to be successful. There are many inspiring people that have helped me understand what it takes to build a successful business. Many of them are being featured in an upcoming MLM Success Training called:

Breakthrough Telesummit – September 9-11, 2011

This telesummit offers a weekend chalk full of information from some of the most successful and respected marketing and business gurus such as Jack Canfield, Stephen M.R. Covey, Denis Waitley, Doug Firebaugh and 19 other professional trainers and speakers. They know what it takes to succeed!

This telesummit contains 24 hours of marketing and business expertise available from the convenience of your home for a minimal investment of $20 (USD); that’s less than a $1 per speaker. Plus all calls are recorded and you’ll have access to listen to them for 60 days after the telesummit.

Whatever business you’re building, motivation is imperative! Check out the Breakthrough Telesummit and breakthrough your barriers, so you create success!

Attracting Unexpected Money

Attracting unexpected money is a joyous blessing from the Universe. For many people, the ego takes over and tries to figure out how it happened, what to do to receive more, or even rejects it. By overriding the ego’s tendencies and letting go you too can learn to manifest more unexpected money.

This time of year (tax time) I see so many people’s aversions, resistance, and fears about money. So I thought I’d share a great abundance mantra to assist with unresolved money issues:

Read this each morning for 7 days:

There is only one power, God, and He expresses through me in all things.
This Power created me with excellent health, love, life, and whatever talents I need right now.
Within me right now, action is taking place to expand every pattern of abundance in the form of money.
Every money pattern in my subconscious mind and DNA is now expanded to receive money from ALL sources of good.
I am open and receptive to this money for it comes by right action and in right ways.
I believe a loving God wants me to have this money for my ease, my comfort, and my freedom.
I NOW accept this unexpected money from any and all sources, ways, and means as long as they are good and right for me.
I believe that all is spiritual and therefore my prosperity is spiritual.
I use this prosperity with wisdom and joy!
My subconscious mind accepts this treatment right now.
I accept it now.
Thank you, it is done! And so it is!

1) Read this every morning for 7 days
2) Keep the flow of money moving by tithing 10% of expected and unexpected money
3) Express gratitude for attracting unexpected money

Passive Income – Breakthrough Telesummit

One of my passions is teaching people about creating passive income streams; where you are receiving residual or passive income with little or no effort on your part.

The concept of network marketing is based upon this premise of building a customer base that repurchases the company’s products or enlisting other marketers and receiving an income stream from their marketing efforts.

Since network marketing has been around for a couple of decades, most people have personally been involved in this type of passive income stream; some being successful, some not.

Building any business requires resources and information to be successful and keep you motivated. A friend of mine told me about a weekend Breakthrough Telesummit being offered February 18-20, 2011 so I thought I’d pass the info along to help any of you building a business.

This telesummit offers a weekend chalk full of information from the some of the most successful and respected marketing gurus such as Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Marci Shimoff, Cheryl Richardson, Randy Gage and 19 other marketing professionals. That’s 24 hours of marketing expertise available from the convenience of your home for the low, low investment of $20 (USD). Plus all calls will be recorded and you’ll have access to listen to them for 30 days after the telesummit.

Whatever business you’re building, motivation is imperative! Check out the telesummit and see if there is something to help you breakthrough your barriers, creating more success and more passive income!

Workout Routine: Motivation

One of the key elements to manifesting your workout goals is motivation. Goals such as weight loss/management can take several months to a year to bring achieve.

Workout routines can become boring for both the mind and body. So what can you do to stay motivated?

1) Change your routine – so it’s not so routine by doing different types of exercises such as cardio and weight training one day, yoga one day, swimming one day, or whatever you enjoy doing. Just find a couple of different types of exercises that keep the workout fresh.

2) Gym challenges – many gyms offer different challenges each month. In December my gym offered a free month’s membership to the person who attended the most number of days during the month. I won! By taking on this challenge I increased my workouts from 5 days a week to 7 days.

During February one of our gyms challenges is to track the number of laps walked or ran. There is a big chart on the wall with the running totals. Although I’m not in the lead I increased my laps from 15 per workout to 40. This change has helped me drop 2 additional pounds in the past 9 days.

3) Workout with friends – it’s a great way to socialize and keep each other on track with your fitness goals.

4) Take a class – group classes are a great way to stay motivated. You feel part of something. It’s something fun to do with friends or to meet new friends.

Find whatever you need to do to keep your motivation going and achieve your workout goals!

Who knows, you may be featured in the next synchronized spinning class. Even if you don’t… at least you’ll get a giggle out of this!

Counting Calories

Counting Calories - newmoonmanifesting.comIt takes me 30 minutes on a stationary bike or 35 minutes on an elliptical to burn 200 calories. Tracking my calories burned during my exercise routine has helped me make better decisions when it comes choosing what I eat. If I have to burn the calories then I’m more selective about what I’m eating.

Putting the caloric intake into perspective with an exercise routine helps one make better decisions when it comes to choosing foods we eat.

For example if I eat:
Starbuck muffin – 420 calories (56 biking minutes for me)
Sbarro stuffed pizza – 976 calories (130 biking minutes for me)
P.F. Chang’s orange chicken – 1150 calories (153 biking minutes for me)

From these three meals the total daily caloric intake is 2,546 calories.

What to eat instead:
1 egg + 2 egg whites, 2 slices light bread, 1 veggie sausage patty (300 calories)
3 oz deli style turkey, 2 slices light bread, 1 cup tomato soup (350 calories)
4 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1.5 cups veggies, 1/4 cup Thai sauce (450 calories)

From these three meals the total daily caloric intake is 1,100 calories. That’s a difference of 1,446 calories in a day!

Wow! What a difference it makes to know what you’re putting into your body! How often do you pop something into your mouth not even realizing how many calories are in it?

Being aware of what I eat and what I’m burning during exercise helps me manage the weight management process better. If you’re interested in managing your weight, begin tracking everything you’re eating so you can see what your caloric intake is, then you’ll be able to adjust your food selections so you’re managing your calories.

Get on Google Front Page – Wealth Tip

The key to building online passive income stems from getting on Google front page. The term passive income is just that – you receiving money with little or no effort.

The internet provides the venue for reaching customers worldwide. But without the right tools and optimizing search engines (SEO), your website will be lost in the sea of information. Finding the right key words that other people are searching for and aligning their searches with your website in the foundation of SEO.

In the book “Get on Google Front Page,” Jason Matthews provides a mountain in information to assist anyone with any sort of online business, product, or service to get on the first page of a Google search.

Get on Google Front Page - Jason Matthews

From this book you’ll learn to:

~ pick the best key words for your website
~ build an online platform, increasing your visibility
~ network with people all over the world
~ get your URL backlinks onto thousands of other sites
~ optimize text and images within your site
~ And much, much more…

This gem of a book is a “must read” for anyone who has a web presence and really wants to generate income from it. Making money is easier when people can find what you’re selling. Anyone can do it! Within a few weeks to a few months you too can generate an online income with the SEO (search engine optimization) tips in Get on Google Front Page.

For more information visit the Get on Google Front Page website where you can purchase the book or it’s also available at Amazon.com

I’ve Cheated

I have a confession to make. I cheated on my New Year’s Resolution! What? Already? You’re only two days into the New Year! But it’s not what you think. I haven’t given up my goal, just began it before the New Year.

In November I went shopping for a new pair of pants. The ones in my closet felt a bit tight. I knew I had gained a few pounds. While trying on clothes I had to go up two sizes from what I have bought in the past. What?! You’ve got to be kidding me! This is ridiculous! When did this happen? They must be making clothes smaller these days, or so I justified.

Weight loss - New Moon ManifestingBut no, the scale confirmed that I had gained 15 pounds over the past four years. My weight was teetering between my two pregnancy weights. Oh, this can’t be good – I’m NOT pregnant!

It’s just absurd that this could happen to me! I was an athletic instructor for 13 years. At the peak of my career my body fat was 10.2% which is extremely low, even for men. I was a lean exercise machine. I know how to maintain my body weight.

Although we have an elliptical machine and weights at home which I was using three to four times a week, it obviously wasn’t working for me. In November there was a little internal dialogue, okay a thrashing to make a change. And change I did. I joined the local recreational center to shake up my work-out a bit, with the added benefit of changing my body.

My New Year’s goal to turn my six rolls into a six pack by releasing 15 pounds of body fat through exercise and eating better began in November. So I got a jump start on many of you who are just beginning your new weight management goals. But whether you begin today, a week from now, or a month from now, whatever you consciously and consistently work towards will be successful.

So in November I began a new workout routine. My goal is to release 1 pound a week. Doesn’t seem like much, right? But actually a pound of fat is 3500 calories. To achieve this I had to adjust my calories by 700 per day – either burning off more or taking in less.

I chose a combination of reducing the calories I ate and burning more off per day. To begin with I reduced my caloric intake by 250-300 per day and worked out 5 times per week at 250-300 calories per workout, for a change of 275×7= 1925 for food and 5×275 = 1375 for my workout, totalling 3300, just under the 3500 calories per week.

As my body was getting used to this new routine I gained 3 pounds. Yes, I know muscle weighs more that fat. But really, shouldn’t I be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time?

For my mental sanity I decided to stay away from the scale for a while as my body was adjusting to the new routine. Five weeks into the new routine I began to notice my pants fit a bit better. So I stepped on the scale and it registered 6 pounds lighter than when I began.

Whoooo hooo! What a relief! For the last four years I have only seen the scale move in one direction. Now it was finally moving in the right direction! It really was working! Even during the holidays I was getting the results I wanted.

This week, begins my 8th week. During the Christmas break I gained two pounds back so my net effect is 4 pounds released. Although I haven’t reached my 1 pound per week goal yet, I’m so grateful for the four pounds that have left in 2010.

I’ve modified my original goal and have plans to shift my work-outs to permanently move the last 11 pounds out.

Every goal we set requires that we takes small steps to achieve it. For some reason, body fat seems to go on much easier than it takes to get it off. My original goals have changed since I began 8 weeks ago. Each couple of weeks I’ll adjust and shift work outs so my body is “surprised” by what it’s going through.

So whatever your weight management goals are for the year be patient with yourself. You can achieve it, but it takes time. It takes about three weeks for your body to adjust to the change. And in the 13 years I was an athletic instructor, week three is where most New Year’s resolutions were given up. People were frustrated because in that time frame they weren’t seeing results.

Making changes is about the transformation and journey instead of the destination.

2011 is the year of manifesting. How can I help you reach your goals this year? Join us for our monthly New Moon Manifesting conference call on Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 6pm PST (9pm EST). Click here to register or for more information.