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Posts tagged ‘building wealth’

Passive Income – Breakthrough Telesummit

One of my passions is teaching people about creating passive income streams; where you are receiving residual or passive income with little or no effort on your part.

The concept of network marketing is based upon this premise of building a customer base that repurchases the company’s products or enlisting other marketers and receiving an income stream from their marketing efforts.

Since network marketing has been around for a couple of decades, most people have personally been involved in this type of passive income stream; some being successful, some not.

Building any business requires resources and information to be successful and keep you motivated. A friend of mine told me about a weekend Breakthrough Telesummit being offered February 18-20, 2011 so I thought I’d pass the info along to help any of you building a business.

This telesummit offers a weekend chalk full of information from the some of the most successful and respected marketing gurus such as Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Marci Shimoff, Cheryl Richardson, Randy Gage and 19 other marketing professionals. That’s 24 hours of marketing expertise available from the convenience of your home for the low, low investment of $20 (USD). Plus all calls will be recorded and you’ll have access to listen to them for 30 days after the telesummit.

Whatever business you’re building, motivation is imperative! Check out the telesummit and see if there is something to help you breakthrough your barriers, creating more success and more passive income!