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Posts tagged ‘living empowered’

Empower Yourself

About 80-85% of our behavior, patterns, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts are on a subconscious level. It is this underlying programming that affects all aspects of our life.

There are various layers where this programming exists. Some of it was created during our formative childhood years. Sometimes the programming is passed down through our ancestors in our DNA. Some of our subconscious programming exists in the collective consciousness layers. And some programming is transferred from our other lifetimes through our soul.

No matter what layer the incorrect programming exists, there are techniques to resolve various issues that limit you. You have the power to shift what’s going on within you. Join the teleseminar “Living an Empowered Life”. This class provides information and healing techniques into healing emotional issues and core beliefs.

The 3-week teleseminar begins on Tuesday September 6, 2011 9pm EDT. You’ll discover unresolved emotional issues that influence your behavior and personality. We’ll take you through healing meditation techniques to resolve emotional wounding and break through programming learned during this lifetime or passed on to you through your ancestors and other lifetimes.

Empower yourself by joining this transformational event, helping you create sustainable results. Click here for more information and to register.